Lilypie Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Dilation update

We are almost done wtih Nate's out of town travel. We debated for a long time about his trip to go pheasant hunting, and he also had some work trips scheduled. We risked it and he was gone on Friday night, and all day Saturday to hunt. Then he was in Topeka on Monday and Tuesday for work. He is still supposed to go to Topeka for the day on Friday, but this is the one making me the most nervous.
I went to the doctor today and was dilated to a 2, but baby was still at a station -2. I did find out that Dr. is on call this weekend, It makes me wonder if that could work in our favor  :)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


At our appointment (4 weeks away from due date) Dr. said he thought we were dilated to about 1/2cm and  50% effaced. At our next appointment (3 weeks away from due date) he reported 1cm dilated and at station -2. Ashley has been head down for awhile now and we hope she stays that way. He estimated that she weighs around 7lbs. We also found out that Dr. will be on call the 24th and 25th, but then will be on vacation following that, we are on edge to see what Dr. will end up in the delivery room with us.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Hair bows galore....

I counted 46 of them!
At the family shower we made so many hair bows we had to figure out a good way to not only display but store them as well. Here's what we did...

Purchased a wood sign at Hobby Lobby for $5 (on sale of course)

I used some green paint we had at the house and painted the entire sign, then we went to Roger's shop and I painted her name on the sign with yellow paint.

Nate painted the flowers on the sign- he is very creative, they have a lot of detail to them!

I bought a roll of ribbon from Hobby Lobby which we stapled to the back of the sign and then used the hair clips to put the bows on the ribbon. This is haning in her room above her changing table.

Nursery Reveal

Crib with the cute animal/tree wall art

Crib bedding- cute wildlife animals


Dresser with another cute owl on the wall. I decoupaged some paper to the top of the dresser to cover some stains, it turned out pretty cute!

Changing Table


More gifts from showers. I haven't figured out what to put on all of these shelves in her room, for now they are displaying all of the great gifts she received.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Church Shower

 Our 4th shower was thrown by some women at our church. It was a great evening! We had some yummy cookies, cupcakes, and spice balls, and pink punch (with ice cream)! We decorated burp cloths with puff paint and they turned out to be very cute! The suggestions for this shower was to bring diapers, children's books, or a casserole to put in the freezer for a busy day. We got lots of diapers, wipes, and books too! We are excited to begin reading these to Ashley in just a few weeks! I would like to say that we have all the diapers we need, but I know the stash will go very quickly! Thanks to everyone who came and those helped out with the shower, you all are a blessing. And thanks to Gigi and Mimi for coming to all 4 of my showers!
Miss Callista enjoying Ashley's new toys

Here is a great "devotion" that Meredith shared...
Celeste and Nate....going to become a family instead of a couple....
This will be a time in your life Celeste where you will understand God in a whole new way. Even though this baby has been living off you for almost nine months and was created with your egg and his sperm, this little baby girl is a completely unique and new creation from God. He planned the moment she was conceived and has the moment planned when she will take her first breath.
You will become concerned about every sound that comes from her when she is awake or asleep. When you are asleep, you will dream about this new life and even wake up wondering if the dream was real and should you check on her, just in case something....
Then it will dawn on you two, that something miraculous has happened and it has changed everything. You are now someone's mother and father. She will look at you to realize what impact she has on people, for your voice and face and touch will tell her what she wants to know. "Am I special to you, are you my protector and provider, do you want to talk and play with me, are you proud of me and is that why you kiss my face and hold me so close?"
Now, I want to share with you, the greatest storey ever will be revealed to you as you love your newborn baby girl. She is selfish, she is scared, she is helpless to feed herself or know how to care for her own hygiene...she will want you whenever her eyes are open, or a pain is felt.
Celeste, God has a wonderful way of revealing His love for us in our completely helpless estate, by giving us this role of parent as we perceive how great our ability to show love to one who wholely depends on and trusts us. We love to meet all those needs and then just delight in watching them happily enjoy themselves in their little secure life. There is deep mystery in this nurturing and protecting stage as much is revealed about us. We now begin to understand the relationship between the Father and the Son, and how He has showed us the greatest love and sacrifice because He wants to be known as Our Father.
These precious days of discovery are quite brief, but then the interaction becomes more autonomous and a relationship develops a new dimension, a reckoning of the wills. You must now balance nurturing and training, while still having her feel loved and secure. There will be rebellion and hostility and she is only 15 months old.
Your Lord and Savior Jesus, will be with you and reveal many new things through this role of mother. The tears will come more easily, your heart will expand and the wounds will occur. Don't fret the little moments that are just acts of willfulness, cherish the smiles, hugs, and "I love you's" that come so quickly when they are small because they are so used to hearing us tell them why is it the smiles, hugs, and I love you's become infrequent as the years go by, perhaps it is because we are not smiling, enjoying or hugging them quite as much. This is the way it is as they grow up, they are autonomous, yet so intrinsically linked to our hearts and dreams.
Yes, this is an exciting change for you and Nate, but, my dear, you will encounter so much more than you ever expected and your praise and worship to your Lord will be sweeter and there will be more thankfulness for all He does for you. Your prayers will be more earnest as they are tracking the heart and mind of one so dearly loved, who you must release for the sake of their own meeting, and depending on the one true Father through their relationship with His Son, our Lord Jesus. He has entrusted this dear little girl to you and Nate, and I know you and your families take this seriously.
Celeste, tonight we celebrate with you,. the role of motherhood, and will delight in sharing many moments of joy and trouble with you as she grows and goes.

Friends Shower

 On October 30, we had our 3rd shower hosted by my some of my best friends mom's. These women are great, I met their daughters in Kindergarten and we all attended the same school until we graduated high school. It is a blessing to have life long friends and to know they are always there to support me. The hostesses were Roxie, Susie, and Debbie. Debbie ended up not making it to the shower due to an unexpected trip to Denver. In attendance were so many other friends I have grown up with and their moms as well. Abby wins the award for the farthest travel, coming all the way from Denver to help celebrate baby Ashley.