Lilypie Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Look at my tooth-y smile! There are 8 teeth in there, and I'm working on some more as we speak!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Sterling Soccer

Every year since Nate graduated from Sterling he has gone back to play in the Alumni Soccer Game. This year was his 8th game. The record for the alumni before this game was 1 and 6. This one proved to be a close game. It was 1 to 1 at half time then the alumni scored and it was 2-1, then with only a few minutes left in the game, the college team scored and it ended in a tie. It was 2 years ago that the alumni won 5-4, that was an awesome game! Nate even scored!
Ashley fell asleep right before the game started, since it was so hot, we decided to hang out in the car and take advantage of the a/c while she slept. I would turn the car on for about 10-15 minutes, then turn it off for 10-15. She slept until there was about 10 minutes left. Then we went and sat on our blanket to watch the rest of the game. it time to go?

look who got in on the group picture!?!?

9 month check up

On Sunday night, Ashley had a terrible night, it was so uncharacteristic for her...she woke up at 12:15 (this is a normal time for her) and I fed her, then she woke up at 1:45 and I thought, "she can't be hungry already," but I sleepily went in and fed her and she was asleep within minutes. As I put her down she woke up and then she cried for the next hour! Nothing I did wouldn't make it better. I could tell she was exhausted so she occasionally quieted down, but would immediately start moving around and fussing again. I tried everything I could think of. She finally burped a few times, and I thought maybe that was the problem.
We went in on Monday for Ashley's 9 month check up. It was a very interesting appointment!
I mentioned to the doctor the rough night Ashley had, and after the exam, he told me she has double ear infections! The poor girl, no wonder she was so upset! I had no idea, she wasn't pulling on her ears or anything to make notice, but she was pretty fussy all of last week as well. So, now we are on our first antibiotic and she seems to be doing pretty good (except for the diaherrea...right Gigi?)  :)
  Another thing the doctor had some concern over was the size of Ashley's head. He has mentioned to me before that she has a large head circumference and at all of the appointments he double checks the nurses' measurement of her head. This time it was 18.25 inches which is in the 98th percentile. I told him she was doing really good developmentally and right on track really with motor skills and the other bench mark things that a 9 month old should do. He told me about another patient he had who was in the same situation at 9 months, and when the patient came back at 12 months, he had learned no new skills. Come to find out the patient had fluid in his brain that wasn't being reabsorbed into the body...a condition called congenital hydrocephalus. He was concerned that since Ashley's head was always measuring so big that she may have the same condition. He assured me that the condition was treated with a surgery where a tube is inserted into the brain and then fed into the stomach to allow the fluid to drain. He decided it would be best to do a CT scan to confirm if this was the case with Ashley.
I was quite shocked! All along I have felt that Ashley has been fine in the speed she has developed and haven't noticed anything alarming. Concerned that I would go home and google this condition and read one too many horror stories, the doctor made a few phone calls and the Radiologist worked us right in. We left the pediatrician's office and went to have a CT scan...Ashley cried and screamed through the whole thing. It only took about 2 minutes Then we jumped back in the car to go back to the pediatrician's office to discuss the results. What speedy service!!!  I called Nate and he decided to join us for the results of the test. THANKFULLY the test came back fine and the scan showed that Ashley has a big head! :) She has external hydrocephalus, which is extra fluid AROUND the brain which basically fills in the extra space that her brain doesn't take up. So, no need for any concern, she just has a big head...who does she take after? Hudson, Papa Bear, Uncle Pete? I don't know, I told the doctor that no one really in my family had a big head, but maybe it does run in the family?
I've never thought of her having a big head. She is beautiful just the way God made her!

see what I mean?

9 months

I can't keep up with how fast this you are growing up! You are so much fun! As I watch you learn new things all the time, I can't believe how much you have changed from just a few months ago when you couldn't do anything on your own. But, now you can pick up your food and put it in your mouth, you can get anywhere in the house that you decide to go, you can understand new words we say, you can move from your tummy to a sitting position with no problem.!
I love watching you play with your toys, you turn anything in your hand left and right and forward and back to look at it from every direction. You have figured out how some of your toys work. We have a toy in the basement where you put balls in the holes at the top and then they fall down and come out a hole in the bottom. It's your favorite toy down there. You love to pick up both balls and clap them together, then you can put the balls in the hole and just this week you were able to push the ball through. Every time we play with it, you figure out more and more things it can do.
You are on the move! If I leave the room, you are sure to scoot along the floor right behind me. The other day while I was in your room cleaning out clothes that don't fit anymore, you decided to go exploring and left me in there all by myself. Time to keep the doors shut in the other rooms! You are not up on all fours for crawling, but you move pretty quickly! You are still working on pulling up on the furniture, you have done it a few times, but usually you have a little help to get all the way up. You are so close to doing it on your own.
You love to climb, you are constantly climbing on people to try and get as high up as you can!
You are enjoying new foods, you have had lots of different veggies and fruits in baby food form. We have started doing bananas too. Your favorite snack at Gigi's lately has been peaches! She lets you suck/chew on a big piece and they are so juicy! You love them! You also love your Gerber puff snacks too! It can entertain you for quite awhile to try and get them out of your snack cup.
At your 9 month check up you weighed 18 lbs 4oz (30th percentile) and were 21 1/4 inches long (70th percentile). Your head circumference was 18.25 (98th percentile). You have 8 teeth! They have come in fast it seems like! You are outgrowing a lot of your 6 month clothes, but some still fit. You are mostly in the 6-9 months. Size 3 diapers still fit, but not for long because we are switching to cloth diapers (more on that later)!
You love bath time, one way to no you are excited is that you start waving your arms when you are happy or excited. You do this when I ask you if you want milk, or when I come pick you up from the sitter's, or when you realize it's bath time and you are watching the tub fill up! Bath time is lots of fun!
You are still a good sleeper, you get up about twice per night, but the stretches are getting longer!
You brighten each day in our lives! I love you!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Happy Birhday Sophia!

Ashley's friend Sophie celebrated her first birthday at the end of July. We went to her birthday party to celebrate.
Sophia Martin

Ariya, Sophie, and Mike