Lilypie Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 22, 2011

to catch you up...Ashley and Tate's BIG Birthday Bash

Cassie and I put together a big FIRST birthday bash for Tate and Ashley. Tate was born on November 16 (2 months premature) and Ashley was born November 20. So, we joined forces and celebrated on Sat. November 19 at Trinity. For her invitation, we went to Eastborough and took some cute pics of Ashley...
Cassie spent the whole week running errands and getting majority of the stuff we needed for the party. We spent about 3 evenings working on the cakes (which were so cute)! And then we spent all of Friday night at Trinity setting things up. 
Ashley's Cake

Tate's Cake

The Dessert table...cake and ice cream sundaes

Look at all the balloons! We blew up more than 150

Ashley's place of honor. Chandelier hanging above, with butterflies. Also, a banner with her name and a birthday headband to wear

Tate's chair...Cassie made his decoration, a square frame with balloon shapes hanging. She spent a ton of time making those out of thread. He also has a birthday hat and a banner with his name.

Tables with coloring, play dough, or blocks for the older kids
Birthday kids! We had a quilt out for the babies to play on with some toys!

The gift tables, with handmade banners to decorate the fronts.
 We had so many family and friends come to help celebrate these two sweet little kiddos. We feel so blessed by all of those supporting us! We set up a photo booth for guests to are just a few of what we got.

We made macaroni and cheese and others brought side dishes to go along. After we ate, we had Tate and Ashley open presents. This was crazy! There were kids everywhere. They all wanted to see what toys they got and what they could play with. It was fun and Ashley received some great gifts (Thank you!!!!).

This wasn't even her present!

Everything was all over the place!

Next up, it was time for cake! Ashley got to have the whole top piece of her cake, and she loved it. Tate got the top piece from his too, he didn't dig in quite as fast as Ashley did.

Mimi got Ashley a shopping cart. Since she was just figuring out how to walk, she loved it! She could go forever (well, until she ran into a wall) walking behind it. It still is one of her favorite toys in the basement.
At the end, we decided to go outside and let our balloons go.

First Snow!

Earlier today we had our first taste of snow for this winter. Ashley was pretty excited to see it, so we bundled 
up and went outside to see what it was all about.

What is this thing on my hand?

I love it out here!