Lilypie Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, March 3, 2012

15 months

You are such an active little one! You are always getting into things to find something new to play with. You love when the refrigerator door opens and you pull open the drawer where the cheese is kept and like to get a snack. In the process, you also pull out all of the other items too. You like to sit in chairs and on the couch. When you sit in the rocker in your room you always like to hold your baby. You love little kids. The neighbors at Gigi's like to give you high fives and you love to watch and wave at all of the classes that walk by when you are at Gigi's school.
You have a vocabulary of 3 words, momma, dada, and yes. Maybe we could add a fourth word, "out." That one is not quite consistent, but you say it some. You sign lots of words too, more, please, thank you, bye bye (which is waving or blowing kisses), bird, hot, baby, no, and of course your favorite...milk! You hold your hands up in the air to say "where did it go" and you point to your ear(kind of) to say "do you hear that?" You shake your finger back and forth as if to say "no no" but you are really saying around and around. You rub your hands together when I say wash your hands. You also love to give hugs and kisses. You walk up to us and hug our leg or rest your head on our arm as if to give a hug. It is precious.You know where your hair is and the other day you got it right when I asked where your mouth is. We are still working on eyes and nose. It is fun when I say a word out of context to what we are doing, but you do the sign because you recognize it.

At the doctor you weighed 22lbs 8.5 oz, which puts you in the 44th percentile for weight, you were 31 inches tall, 66th percentile and your head circumference was in the 99th percentile! You are doing great for your age, we hope to see you add a few more words to your list over the next few months. You are outgrowing more and more of your 12 month clothes. Some still fit, but we are wearing some 18 months as well. You are walking great and I love it when you take off running, it's quite cute. We did notice that you are taking after Gigi (and momma) in that you have a rash on your back, arms, and legs. The doctor thinks it is eczema, so we are trying a new soap to see if that helps.
You still love to be outside. Thankfully the weather has been good and so we have spent some time outside playing and going to the park too. You are doing great at feeding yourself. Recently you have started using a spoon/fork all by yourself. Usually you don't get too much food on it before it goes to your mouth, but you are figuring out the process. Most of the time you hold the spoon in one hand and then pick up food and put it in your mouth with the other. You like to "write" as well. When you find a pen you always need paper to go with it. You are also using your left hand a lot when you do these things, makes me wonder if you might be left handed.
Your sleeping pattern has changed and you seem to still be waking up a lot. I would say at least 2-3 times a night, around midnight, 3 and again around 5 seems to be consistent lately.
You are beginning to develop quite an opinion, and if you are not ready to get in the car seat or change your diaper or eat your food or whatever it may be, you are letting me know. I fear we may be dealing with some temper tantrums earlier than I expected (and earlier than I am ready for) :)  We went to the grocery store the other day and you cried the ENTIRE time we were there. Made me wonder how the other lady who was there with the 3 littles ones, pregnant with a fourth, did it. But, she reassured me she's been there too!  :)
I love it when you laugh. Your laugh is so contagious. You find the simplest things funny and it makes me happy to hear you laugh and see a big smile on your face.

Happy Valentine's Day 2012

For Valentine's Day this year, I was not organized enough to make cute cards to give out like I did last year. I wish I would have, but maybe I will get to it next year! Nate brought me flowers at work and he bought some flowers for his little Valentine too. She thought they were really pretty.

And they smelled good too!

In addition to the flowers, Ashley also got a box of animal crackers! She loved them!