Lilypie Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, October 29, 2010

Three babies!

It's true, there will be three babies born in the Tinius family within a 7-8 week period. Sasparilla Honey Buns Mathews is due November 23, 2010. Augustus Frost Tinius is due around January 1, 2011. Ignacio Stinemetz is due January 15, 2011. We've been documenting our growing bellies throughout these last 7 months.



CJ joining in

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Family Shower

 I love my family! They are always supportive and certainly creative. We had a family shower on October 17, 2010 at Woodridge Christian Church. The shower was hosted by: The cousins: Melissa and Traci, and The sisters: Cassie, Christin, and Annie. Lots of moms, grandmas, aunts, cousins, and long time family friends came to celebrate with us.The decorations were very cute. Lots of pink and purple...Annie made some yummy cupcakes with cute candy flowers on top, and Melissa was in charge of the delicious punch!

Cassie planned a super cute activity for us all to do. There was flowers, and buttons, and jewels, and thread, and hot glue guns and clips for us to make cute hair accessories for Ashley. She will be set! We have some very festive flowers in all sizes and colors to go with her new hats and headbands.


The finished product

We received some awesome gifts, once again we feel very blessed to have received so much from everyone.

First Christmas Pajamas!

Nate's favorite gift so far...

a Camo hunting hat!

Aunt Debbie did an awesome job making baby Ashley a blanket!

And the group who put it all together...

Thanks CJ for taking all these pictures for us!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Work Shower

My co-workers at Trinity offered to throw a baby shower for us. The shower was October 9, 2010 at Sheryl's house. This was our first shower, I was very excited to go and see what fun things we would have for baby Ashley. Cathy, Sheryl, Jacque, and Jill were the hostesses' for the event and they did a great job! I feel very blessed to work with such a great group of women. We received a lot of great gifts...some cute pink outfits, bath toys, a swing, bouncy seat, high chair, pack and play, boppy, photo session for Ashley, blankets, crib mattress, diapers and lots more. It was a great time to spend with my co-workers outside of work. Can't wait to start using all of our gifts!

Almost 34 weeks

Jill, Cathy, me, Jacque, Sheryl

Saturday, October 16, 2010

What's in a name?

Ever since we found out we are pregnant, Nate has loved and insisted on the name Ashley. I, on the other hand was not so sure. I had thought of a few boy names that I liked, but when we found out we are having a girl, I couldn't think of anything that I liked. Eventually, I threw out a couple of names and Nate thought they would be good middle names. The more I thought about it, Ashley grew on me (and in me).  :)  I threw out Grace as a possible middle name and Nate loved it, so we have recently decided that her name will be Ashley Grace Mathews. Ashley means beautiful and in some books it means meadow, hence the name of the blog, Beautiful Meadow.

Boy or Girl?

In the beginning of this pregnancy, Nate was sure he didn't want to know if we were having a boy or girl. I was okay either way, it would be fun to be surprised, but with my obsession with planning and organizing, I knew that would be hard if we did not know. So, in the end, we did decide to find out if we were having a boy or girl.
We scheduled our sonogram for July 8, 2010, which happened to be our 5 year anniversary! It was a fun gift for our anniversary to find out the gender. We decided to get creative with the way we revealed this to family as well. So, we called the crew together last minute, not everyone could come, but we still got the word out to them. I baked two cakes. One was decorated with blue icing and read "Mathews Boy?" and the other had pink icing and read "Mathews Girl?" We let the grandma's cut into each one to see what color the cake part was, the verdict...


Baby Feet


Melissa has named her Sassparilla Honey Buns


Friday, October 15, 2010

Our BIG reveal

We found out about our pregnancy on March 18, 2010 and were excited and nervous all at the same time. After confirming the pregnancy with our doctor, we debated on telling family right away or waiting a bit to make sure things started out smoothly. We decided to reveal the pregnancy during our Easter lunch at Gammy's house. It turned out perfect, Nate's family was there as well as mine. Nate and I tossed around ideas of what we could do to be creative and surprise everyone, and Nate came up with the perfect plan.

Each year at Easter we do an Easter egg hunt for a plastic egg with our name on it. No matter the age, all of Gammy's grandchildren participate. The adults hide the eggs and the "kids" go look for them. Inside the eggs is money and candy! This year, with the help of Aunt Wilma, we added a fun game. Wilma stuffed all of the eggs with a notecard (which I made). On one side of the notecard was a letter and the other side had a number. So, Wilma pulled out a big sign which had numbers on it and explained the game (as if it was one she created). Once everyone had found their eggs, we began adding our letters to the board. Whoever had number 1, went and placed their letter on the board in the right spot, and so on down the line. It took awhile for the words to begin to develop...the board read.... "Mathews chick hatching Nov 2010" Gigi kept thinking it was going to say something about Cashew chicken. Eventually everyone caught on and the celebrating began!

Make an on-line slideshow at

5 weeks

Due Date: November 23, 2010
First sonogram - 8 weeks

The next chapter in our lives

As Nate and I begin preparing for our little one to join our family, we hope this blog will help keep you updated on the happenings in our little family.