Lilypie Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Work Shower

My co-workers at Trinity offered to throw a baby shower for us. The shower was October 9, 2010 at Sheryl's house. This was our first shower, I was very excited to go and see what fun things we would have for baby Ashley. Cathy, Sheryl, Jacque, and Jill were the hostesses' for the event and they did a great job! I feel very blessed to work with such a great group of women. We received a lot of great gifts...some cute pink outfits, bath toys, a swing, bouncy seat, high chair, pack and play, boppy, photo session for Ashley, blankets, crib mattress, diapers and lots more. It was a great time to spend with my co-workers outside of work. Can't wait to start using all of our gifts!

Almost 34 weeks

Jill, Cathy, me, Jacque, Sheryl

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