Lilypie Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Walk with Wildlife

Every year Nate and his hawking friends participate in Walk With Wildlife at the Great Plains Nature Center. I have attended every year with him too, this year Ashley and I decided to walk through the exhibit with Chase, Annie, Callista, and Carver.We saw lots of animals...tons of turtles, ducks, crayfish, a beaver, skunk, snakes, frogs, and hawks of course. It turned out to be a really nice day, not too hot.
Callista and the baby ducks swimming in the pond

Chase caught a crayfish

I think I can, I think I can

She did it! She didn't pick one up, but she touched one. More than I would do!

Ashley didn't think it was quite as fun. She really wanted out of the stroller and wanted to be carried
We'll see if next year she is brave like cousin Callista to pick up any of the critters

Carver didn't make a peep the whole time. He loved his stroller ride and loved the airplane he got!
Disclaimer: Chase was warned that there was poison ivy! We'll see if he gets it (or Callista, she wandered off into a patch of it)

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