Lilypie Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Happy 4th of July

We celebrated the 4th of July at Uncle Chase and Aunt Annie's house. We had a fun time. It was so hot, and so we missed the goat milking demonstration because we stayed in the house, but next time we are out we will be sure to check out all the animals.

We had some fun with the whak-a-mole sprinklers and some cool fireworks. Chase and Annie live in Butler County so there were some pretty great shows going on around us. Along with our show of course. The highlight was the parachuter fireworks and the "swipers" which is what Garret called sparklers.  Ashley had fun, she was scared of a few of the really loud fireworks, but overall she enjoyed looking at the lights, then she got really tired and decided it was not fun anymore by the end.

Ashley and Aunt Traci getting in on the sprinkler fun!

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