Lilypie Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, August 8, 2011

8 months

You are 8 months old and changing so quickly. You have figured out so many new things. You are starting to move around on the floor. You have a side stroke/swim type of a crawl. It is pretty entertaining to watch. But, you are really figuring out that you can get to where you want to be. You sit up like a pro. You are starting to attempt to go from sitting to crawling and from laying to sitting, but you are not quite there yet. You are a MOMMA'S girl. You love to be in my arms and I love having you there. You start to cry when I leave you at the sitter's, but I know you get over it quickly too. You have figured out how to help get in/out of your car seat by moving your arm through the strap. If you are holding a toy, you quickly switch it from one hand to another so you don't lose it while we are getting strapped in. You seem to be sleeping well. You have had a few nights where you go for about 5 hours, but there are still some where it's only 3. So, we are getting closer, but really it's not something that I'm working hard at changing. I still enjoy our nighttime feeding. You've been eating lots of different foods. We've tried carrots, green beans, apples, bananas, avocados. You like most all of them, but I would say green beans are definitely the least favorite. We've done some fruit in your mesh feeder and that is always entertaining for you and very messy too. You usually end up with banana ALL over the place. You have started laughing more and more. Especially when you are being tickled, you can really get going and of course it is contagious! One of your favorite toys is Sophie the giraffe. She is fun to play with all the time! Your top left tooth has cut all the way through and the top right is getting closer and closer. You are almost up to 4 teeth! Your hair is getting longer too and we can finally put some little hair clippies in it. You are thinking bath time is pretty enjoyable. We've been doing baths in the big bath tub and you love your rubber duckie, and always have to make sure that it doesn't float away. And you love to splash in the water too.
You are outgrowing some of you 6 month outfits, it's almost time to start boxing up some of those clothes and seeing what we have in the next size. You are still in size 3 diaper, we have started putting you in overnight diapers at bedtime because you usually always leak through the other kind. That is most likely because you love to sleep on your tummy and so the diaper doesn't do so well like that. Sometimes when I check on you, you are on your tummy with your legs tucked up and your bottom sticking up in the air. It's cute!  :)
Thanks for bringing so many smiles to my face each day! I love you Ashley Grace!

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