I love the smiles you have for me every morning when I come to get you out of bed. Always happy to see momma! You have been so fun to play with and watch learn new things. You LOVE to walk around the coffee table. It doesn't matter who's house we are at, our house, Gigi's house, Awma's house, Maria's house, every single one, you go straight to the coffee table and walk around and around and around. You could do this all day! You LOVE it too when daddy chases you around the table, pretending he is going to get you. You squeal with excitement when he starts this! You've started moving from the coffee table to the couch. The other night in the basement, you even took a little step from the recliner to the couch!!! You have started standing on your own for short amounts of time. Usually not more than 10 seconds, but you seem to stay a little longer each time you try. I am sure you will be walking by your first birthday!
You like to get the mail each day and help sort through. You get the junk mail and mommy keeps the bills. It's a good trade off for both of us. Except for momma when the junk mail is all over the house by the time you are done!
You love to EAT!!!!! And thankfully you love to eat ANYTHING! You could sit in your high chair for an hour and eat and eat and eat if we let you, which most of the time we do. Momma is so afraid that you are going to choke on food, so I give you the smallest pieces, and we are still doing some baby food, just to top you off. The only things you seem not to enjoy are avocados and sweet potatoes (however you like the baby food kind). You may change your mind on the sweet potatoes after you have them at Thanksgiving though, you know with the brown sugar and marshmallows on top, yummo!
You like to drink out of a sippy cup. We've been drinking apple juice, orange juice, water, and milk and you do really good drinking all by yourself. I think we are almost done with the bottle, (and you could prob. care less about it being gone). You still love to nurse which makes momma happy! You are nursing in the morning, twice during the day, and then again at night. (Well and then the 2 times at night that you wake up)! So, maybe it's more than I thought. I keep telling myself that I am going to let you cry it out and go back to sleep on your own at night, but it doesn't work when daddy keeps telling me that you are hungry, and crying, and need me. So, I come to the rescue. Usually you wake up at midnight, and then around 3.
The other morning I went in to get you, I could hear that you were awake and playing in your crib, so I peaked through the door and you were standing in the crib, facing the wall, dropping your socks on to the floor behind your crib! Now I know where to look for all of your missing toys, blankets, and socks!
You love to have a blanket or something soft in your hand when you are nursing or sleeping. You have a pig blanket that you always seem to pick up when I come feed you at night, So far, we haven't left the house with it yet, but I'm sure we will eventually.
For the most part you are wearing 12 month clothes, there are some 9 month that you can still fit into, but we have packed up most of those and onto the winter wardrobe! You are wearing size 2 shoe, which is so small, you have small feet, but they are FAT, I can't get some shoes on because your feet are so thick! Your hair is SLOWLY getting longer. Last weekend, I had 3 different people think you were a boy!!!! You won't leave your hair bows in your hair anymore, and I guess people don't notice you are totally decked out in PINK!!!!
We saw the doctor this week and you weighed 20lbs 15.5 oz! So close to 21 lbs! We didn't do height and head measurement, but we will at your 12 month check up. You have 8 teeth, and at least one of those molars is going to peak out any day now I just know it!
You have started giving kisses, they are open mouth sometimes with your tongue out, but momma LOVES them!
Mommy is so thankful for this past year that we have had to love on you and learn all about YOU! I love you Ashley Grace!