Lilypie Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Pratt and Medicine Lodge

What seems like months ago, we took a mini road trip to Pratt, KS for the KDWP celebration and then to Medicine Lodge for the re-enactment of the signing of the Medicine Lodge peace treaty. Our main reason for going to Pratt was to represent the Kansas Hawking Club, so Nate brought along his bird and another falconer friend came along with his bird too. It was a nice morning in Pratt, and Ashley enjoyed playing outside before it got too hot...
Ashley and Lolita

 Before we got back in the car, we watched daddy feed his bird

Next we went to Medicine Lodge Kansas. I didn't get any pictures of our adventure there because it was too much of an adventure! The peace treaty had about 10,000 people there and we had to walk quite a ways becuase parking was crazy, traffic was backed up for 2+ miles and it was h.o.t.!  So Ashley didn't watch much of the treaty reenactment, but we played in the shade. Next we went and visited some indian friends and had indian tacos and then stayed until later in the evening and had more indian food and fry bread, oh and s'mores too!

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