Lilypie Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Miss Maria

Maria started watching Ashley in June of 2011. Ash was about 7 months old. Ashley is now 21 months old. She has done so many new things while n Maria's care...crawling, walking, signing, talking, playing. She LOVES going to her house. She goes there on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Each Sunday we talk about our plan for the nex day and who we will go play with. She always is excited to hear she is going to Miss Maria's. She gets to play EVERY day with Avery whom she calls "beevee" and she plays with Dakota "da do" and Brandon "bo bo." I realized  recently  that  she is actually calling Maria "Bo Bo" instead of Brandon. We have been working on that.  This summer she has had lots of fun with the boys being home and playing with her each day. During the school year she was able to play with Brandon n the afternoons after he finished Kindergarten in the morning. And Dakota was not home for a short while before I iced her up. So, the summer was great. I never worried about her being there and missing me. I knew she loved it. Each morning she always goes right in and starts playing with the toys and is happy to see Avery, Maria, and the boys. Most days she will give me a hug and a kiss good bye, but some days just a wave and a "buh bye" from across the room is all she has time for. When I pick her up each time, she always cries immediately when she sees me. It is no reflection of her day or her mood, it is just simply that she did miss me while was gone. She does this even when income to pick her up at Gigi's house too.
Today (August 21), Maria told me she has taken a job at CCA and can no longer watch  Ashley, I am disappointed. I am sad because this means we have to look for someone new. We have to decide who is best to care for our little girl each day and we have to decide who we trust. I am also sad because of the friendship we have created Maria's family and the fun that Ashley has had each day with her and the boys. I am sad too because she will to have her friend Avery to play with each day. I know she is so young and it will not effect her a great deal, but that makes me sad too, that she won't remember these friends and how much fun she has and how much she loves playing there.

Maria has been a HUGE blessing to our family, when we had to leave our first sitter Judy. That change was difficult and I know this one will be too, but the Lord has the perfect plan in place for us. We just have to wait and see what's in store.

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