You are in 18 to 24 month clothes. Your summer clothes still fit great, I hope what we have for winter is mostly 24 month because I think you will certainly be ready for that size when it is time to change seasons.
One of your FAVORITE things to do is play with the iPad. We got the iPad in March. By June you were a PRO. Able to figure out which buttons do what and which games are your favorite. One of your favorite things for about the last 3 weeks has been watching the videos we have recorded. It started with an owl that daddy had rescued and we recorded a video of the owl. Then you realized there were lots of other videos on their too. Including ones with cousin Claira and Eli. So now, every time you want to play, you ask for your "nano" ( which I think actually means "bus" because there are 2 bus games that you loved in the beginning). After we turn the "nano" on you say "Claira Claira Claira Claira Claira " until I turn on a video. It doesn't have to be one of Claira necessarily, but you want to see all of the options and pick which one to watch. Some of them are pretty funny and we laugh EVERYTIME we watch those, or you at least have a great big smile on your face.
You LOVE your cheese. If you want a snack, 90% of the time you want cheese. You love your fruits for sure...and your carbs. Toast "toat"and tortillas "tita" are also pretty good for snacks. You don't usually care too much for meat...if you have a cheeseburger, you lock the ketchup off the bread and then pull the cheese off of the meat.
You are becoming so observant...when we drive by fast food places, like ChickFilA or TAco Shop, you point and say "eat" while signing and "putting" food in your mouth. Or if I go through the drive thru, (which is typical for my morning dr. Pepper....don't judge me. :). You always say "bite" after we stop at the first window. Then I explain we have to pay for the food first with our "momey" and then we can get ur food at the next window....then you are ready for your "bite."
I love the conversations that we have. Very much so one sided, but I get you! Most of the time, I can figure out what you are saying and repeat it and you say "ya"
You still do a good amount of signs with your words....milk, more, please, outside (which is just one hand in the air and you say "tie tie." most people think you are saying "hi" but when that hand is up....I know that means outside. You also sign bath (one hand waving in the air up and down) and you say "ba" and play (which is similar to bath, but you say "pay" and you only use this one when we are at church and you want to go to the nursery. You also sign baby (patting one hand n your chest while saying "baby." you shake both hands in the air for "all done" and you sign "thank you."
One of your favorite people is Tate. You ask about him a lot. Almost daily. It almost sounds like "teet." you also talk about "barber" (carver) he is pretty fun as well.
Recently I have noticed you have been able to put families together. You know that "teet" lives with " duudah" (Hudson) and "dattie" (Cassie) and "mamie" (Jamie). And you are always sure to mention that "nenaaa"(Athena) also lives with them. :)
For the most part you get up one time each night. Sometimes it is consistently at 4 or 5 for a few days and then it switches to 3 or 3:30. But, it is usually only once.
Recently you have started having an opinion about what you want to wear. If I pull out a shirt and you don't want it, you le me know. One day I asked what shirt you wanted and you said "puppy." so, we wore our blue shirt with the puppy :) you love to put your "oooos" (shoes) on. In the car you especially take them off and on frequently. Or if it's time to go somewhere, you sit down and "put" them on.
I am loving each stage with you. There are so many new things constantly, I want to remember them all, because you are growing up and changing so quickly!
Love you Ash!