Lilypie Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, February 11, 2012

to catch you up...Ashley is 14 months old!

My Ashley girl is so big! It is crazy to me how much you are understanding what we say to you!
I told you to throw something in the trash the other day and you walked right over and threw it away! I was quite surprised. In the mornings I ask if you want a diaper change and twice you have gone straight over to the changing table and laid down for the diaper change! You respond in excitement when I ask if you want to go play in the basement. There is a bird in the basement and you always like to go down and check on him. In the end table downstairs there are some DVD cases in the two drawers and every.single.time we are down there you always open the drawers and play with the cases or add things to the drawers. You like to sign "milk," "more," "please." You sometimes can sign "thank you."  You will blow kisses at people, you don't really "blow" the kiss though, you just kiss your hand. You wave bye bye all the time when we leave or someone else does.
At bed time when you are nursing you like to take a break and talk about "da da" and play peek-a-boo. It makes mommy laugh when you do that and then you laugh too. You are still waking up at least twice sometimes three times a night. I think it is getting a little better though. I can tell your crying is not so desperate for someone to come in, but just more of whining, just letting us know you are awake.
Your favorite foods right now are bread, grapes, spaghetti (or pasta), oranges, yogurt, and your absolute favorite is CHEESE. For snacks you love goldfish and cheez-it crackers. You are starting to like chicken more than you used to.
You are still in 12 month clothes, but some of those shirts are becoming belly shirts, so we are starting to move into 18 month tops, the pants are a bit long still for 18 month. Your hair is still growing, we have finally been able to put your hair in a pony tail or in pig tails and!

You know where your belly button is (you have known this one for a couple of months I think) and where your hair is. If we ask where your eyes or nose or mouth is, you usually point to your hair/head. You can "meow" like a kitty cat. And you can "moo" like a cow. The meow is not really recognizable out of context and the cow sounds like "mmmmm." You can pick out a cow from the magnets on the fridge too.
You love bath time, Gigi gave you a tea set for Christmas and that has been a fun new toy to play with it. It seems like from that you have also realized what a cup is and when you have one, you always pretend to drink out of it.
You love to read books and when you pick one out, you bring it over to me and then hold your hands up so you can sit in my lap and we can read it together. I love that!
You love to dance! Anytime the music comes on, you immediately wave your arms or move your legs and dance! You have quite the moves too. You also like the ringtone on mommy's phone. When we get a phone call you like to start dancing to that. You also have an elephant toy in the basement that plays music when you push a button and you typically turn that on at least once while we play downstairs.
I love you Ashley girl, I am so thankful to have you in my life and to watch you grow and learn new things everyday.

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