Honestly, it feels like last week that I was writing about Ashley turning 3 months old! With our work schedule and the weather (slowly) turning nicer, I feel like things have been crazy and apparently they have been going fast! Thankfully Ashley has recovered from her cough/cold. Now that we are on the other side of it I can say she certainly did not feel well and was pretty fussy last week. But, this week is a different story. We have seen a very happy baby. You are so quick to smile and have started to giggle and laugh at any silly thing someone does to you. You have little ticklish spots on your neck and under your arms. You haven't been sucking your thumb as much as before, but most of the time you do have 2 fingers in your mouth. Or 4 fingers (2 from each hand). Lately when you've been eating you try to add your 2 fingers to your mouth, but that mix just doesn't work out. You hold your head up very well, and support yourself well in the Bumbo chair. You are able to put a lot of pressure on your legs and "stand" up very well too. You have started following people with your eyes when they move around the room. Your sleeping schedule at night is still a little off. We were doing about every 2-3 hours for the last month, but the last few nights (since you've been feeling better) you've been able to make it about 4 hours and then about every 2. So, we are getting closer to those longer stretches. Mommy still loves to get up with you though. Daddy offers to do a bottle, but I think that's more work for everybody and I love our time together even if we are both half asleep. You love being in your carrier back pack. Right now you ride in the front facing out so you can see what is going on around you. Recently you went outside and helped daddy rake leaves and loved every minute of being outside. Then you also helped mommy bake some chocolate chip cookies too. You liked baking too, and the cookies were delicious! Your hair is starting to get a little longer on top. It can form a mohawk and stand about an inch tall. In the back you have lost some of your hair from laying down, it's not completely gone, but is a difference. It looks as though it might be starting to fill back in though. You have officially outgrown your 0-3 month outfits. There are only a couple that still fit (mainly the ones that are 2 pieces). We have moved on to the 3-6 month, and when I see those on the hanger I think you are not that big! And when we received some of them as gifts I remember thinking "it will be such a long time before she will wear this one." But, the time is already here! You are in size 1-2 diaper, you weigh 12lbs 14.5oz (31st percentile), 25 inches long (76th percentile). Your head circumference is in the 93rd percentile. In one month you gained 14 oz and grew 1.5 inches! You are a big girl! The doctor said everything looked great at your appointment this week and we don't have to go back until you are 6 months old! We love you, and thank the Lord for blessing us with this sweet baby girl!
Okay... is this another game, like we did last Easter?!?! Ashley is wearing a #1 onesie in the top picture... is there a #2 to come?!?! Or am I fishing, and it's just a picutre?