Lilypie Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, March 14, 2011

Cousin Tate

After 3 months and 17 days I finally got to hold little Tate! For the longest no one was allowed to hold him in the NICU, then at home mom and dad were waiting until they were ready and then after that every time I was there, he was sleeping or Ashley was crying. So, about a week ago, we went to visit determined for my snuggle time. Luckily Gigi, Cassie, Jamie, Nana Wilma, and Traci were all there so there were extra arms for Ashley. He is a cutie! He looks so much like his brother Hudson. And he doesn't look so much like a newborn anymore. Getting bigger and bigger every time I see him!
Tate and Hudson - 3 months

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