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Saturday, February 4, 2012

to catch you up...Ashley's recovery from surgery!

Ashley did okay the couple days following surgery. She came down with a cold, so she had a terribly runny nose. She didn't seem to be all that uncomfortable or in too much pain. I did notice she didn't have much of an appetite and wouldn't eat much of anything when in the high chair. She did want to nurse all.the.time. Which was good, made me feel like I was making her feel better. The doctor said it was normal to see some drainage from her ears, we really didn't see any though. She had some dried blood. I ended up staying home with Ashley on Monday after surgery, just to give her an extra day with mom. Tuesday and Wednesday she went to Maria's and did okay, but she sure was ready to nurse by the time I came and picked her up!
Thursday and Friday was spent with Awma and Gigi and they took good care of her too. I remember on Sunday night (1 week after surgery) she could not seem to get to sleep. She would wake up every 20 minutes or so crying. I would nurse her and she finally would go back to sleep. She did this until about 10:45. I thought that was weird. Another thing that changed for her from the surgery was her sleep pattern. She still doesn't sleep through the night, but she would go about 4 hours between waking up, the week (actually longer than that) following the surgery she was up every 2 hours to nurse. I tell you, she likes her time with mama. And I like it too. That was very tiring though, it's been a long time since we had to do 2 hour intervals!
Monday morning I noticed a lot of discharge in Ashley's ear, I thought this was weird because she didn't have any the prior week. I assumed though it was normal and from the surgery. She didn't have a very good day on Monday at Maria's. On Tuesday morning, the same thing happened and there was even more drainage! Then I realized that there must be something wrong. I also remembered how fussy she was Sunday night and decided she could have an ear infection again! On Wednesday we were able to get back in to see Dr. Regher. We were right, ANOTHER ear infection, and he also thought she had an airway edema. Which I took as just meaning that her airways had some swelling from the surgery. Her breathing had been a lot noisier than she was before the surgery. So, he gave us another round of antibiotics, a round of steroids, and ear drops! The poor girl! I felt so badly for her, but she is quite the trooper! She did really well through all of this and once that week was over, she seemed to be back to her normal self again, sleeping pattern included! So glad all of that is behind us!

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