Lilypie Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


It has been three months since we had seen the ENT doctor. So, we went back for a check up today. It seemed like we waited for quite awhile in the waiting room and the office was rather busy and seemed to be disorganized. But, Ashley didn't mind. She was really pretty happy, quite the chatterbox actually. She was being loud and really showing off her voice. She is quite a different baby from 3 months ago when we saw that doctor. I'm not sure what I really expected from the appointment, I know she still breathes loud and is not over the laryngomalacia, but I think I was hoping he would tell us he saw improvement in her breathing. So, the doctor put the video tube down Ashley's nose again. She had a few things to say about that! She cried instantly, thankfully in lasted less than a minute. Dr. said that her larynx is not nearly as red and inflamed, so the acid reflux medicine is doing it's job and we should keep up with that. Then he said there was no other change in her larynx and she still needed time to grow out of this condition. Those are good things to hear, and we will go back and visit him in 6 months. Hard to think that Ashley will be almost one year by then!

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