Your hair is getting longer and a little fuller. A lot of people have been commenting about it when they see you. I think we are in the beginning stages of teething. You still love to suck on your own fingers and are putting more and more toys in your mouth. You have also taken to putting other peoples fingers and hands in your mouth to chew on. It must feel good. You are in size 2 diaper. I don't know what to do with you and your diapers though. Judy says it's her goal each day to get you to actually poop inside your diaper rather than up your back, most days...she fails. :)
Almost every day this last week you have pooped all over your clothes. The size 2 diaper is good for up to 18 pounds so I don't think changing sizes will help at this point. Good thing for Oxi-Clean! You are in 3-6 months clothes. We're excited for the warmer weather so we can start wearing our summer wardrobe. We have lots of cute things to wear! We haven't had an official weight check, but I think you are about 14 pounds. We are still working on tummy time. You are not a fan really at all, but we're still trying to roll over. There have been a few times when I thought you've been so close, but just not quite there yet.
I fall more in love with you every day. I was just thinking yesterday, it is very bittersweet that you are not a newborn anymore and the time went so fast I feel like I don't remember so many things. But, I was thinking of how fun it will be when you start eating baby food and real food and crawling, and sitting up on your own, and walking and all the fun things that come with growing up. I so look forward to teaching you new things and watching you learn new things each day.
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