Lilypie Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 17, 2011

March for Babies

For Tate's Sake we marched for babies on Saturday. We had a good time. It was cold and windy first thing when we were registering, Thankfully, we had a bit of time to go inside and warm up and get out of the wind before the walk.

front of our shirts: Fearfully and wonderfully made

back of shirts: for Tate's Sake, march for babies

Our group at the starting line
Ashley enjoyed the first bit of the walk, but eventually got tired of being in her stroller covered in the quilt I made. :) She couldn't see out and see what we were all doing. So, she got to get out of the stroller and got to be passed around the rest of the walk.
I should have brought her papoose, but I thought it would be too cold. It wasn't though because we quickly were shedding layers. Thankfully, Papa Bear carried her majority of the way.

The reason we were marching, Tate Christian
The Finish line....2 miles and more than an hour later



Nana and Tater Tot
Ashley fell asleep right at the end of the walk, so she slept through lunch, but did wake up for a few pics at the end.

After the march, we went shopping with Gigi and Cj, Ashley was pretty excited...

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