Remember that Ashley was not feeling well at Christmas and had a terrible cold? Well, it didn't get any better, so we took her in to see Dr. Newlin and found she had ANOTHER ear infection and had adenovirus as well as a yeast infection. The poor little girl. We started up another round of antibiotics and tried to get her all better before her surgery on Jan 6.
The surgery was scheduled for 7 AM, we were to check in at 5:30. No food or drink after midnight the night before. I knew this would be a challenge because Ashley still wakes up multiple times at night and I nurse her. (I know I'm a pushover and I have a thousand excuses as to why I don't let her cry it out) :)
She is very consistent at waking up between 12:30 and 12:45. I told myself if she happened to wake up before midnight, I would feed her, but if it was after, I had to let her cry it out. Well, she stayed on her normal plan and woke about 12:30. I went in and held her and comforted her, but no luck. She wanted to nurse. So, I put her back in bed and she cried and cried. I went back in after prob. 10 minutes and comforted her again. Still no luck, just crying. I put her back in bed and we did this for the next 3 HOURS! She would kind of stop crying and be quiet for a few minutes, but then would start up again. I tried at one point to bring her in to our bed and let her sleep there. Nope, she didn't want that either. Finally by about 3:00 she was so exhausted from crying that she fell asleep. Then we had to wake her up 2 hours later at 5. She slept the whole way to the hospital. Once we got her out of the car she was awake and never slept again the whole morning. I knew she was exhausted, but for as little sleep as she got, she did great. Also, she did great not having any milk either. She asked for it occasionally, but never got too upset.
We checked in at the hospital, which took about 5 minutes...
Next, we were given a room. So, the nurse came in and took all of Ashley's stats and vitals. This took about 20 minutes.
Isn't this little hospital gown the cutest thing!?!? She looked adorable. After we were all finished with the nurses, we had about an hour to kill. We found a car to play in and Ashley loved it! We walked around and around and around in the car. Awma came to stay with us and when Ashley got fussy because she wanted milk, Awma took over and drove her around in the car. Nate felt miserable. I had a cold the week before and then Nate caught just a day or so before the surgery, so he was exhausted from lack of sleep and just not feeling well, so he sat in the room and rested.
Eventually, daddy came out to play. They found the coloring pages and crayons and Ashley loved it! She held the crayons in her hands and played with them until we left her for surgery to start.
This is her saying, "mom I see you, I need milk!" |
At one point, one of the nurses commented to us they we came really early for a 9 AM surgery. We were quite surprised! We told her our surgery was scheduled for 7 AM! She checked the schedule and said they had it listed at 7:30. I was annoyed that we still had an extra 30 minutes to wait, but I guess that was better than 2 hours! We kept Ashley busy for awhile longer with the crayons.
They were finally ready for us. So, we put Ashley in her crib and wheeled her through the hospital to the pre-op room. She thought this was a pretty fun ride! She kept playing with her crayons, and trying to stand up while we were moving.
When we reached the pre-op room, I was surprised to see it was an open room with all the patients in there together. There were curtains separating each bed, but not many of them were pulled shut. Not many of the patients paid any attention to Ashley, but the nurses all thought she was pretty cute. And, how could you not when you see this...
She ended up writing all of herself, the crib, and the sheets with those crayons. But, they kept her well distracted from what was going on. We realized that her adeniodectomy was not listed on her release forms, but it was on the schedule, so we waited for Dr. Regehr to come by and add that part to the form. It took awhile for everything to get organized. Ashley had fun though.
Why is this thing on my toe? |

They gave her a relaxant and it was obvious about 10 minutes later, it hit her and she was getting tired. They were ready to get started and we had to leave. That was a very hard thing to leave her in there. But, we had a big group of prayer warriors, and we knew that Ash was in God's hands. We went to the waiting room and had breakfast with Dianna. I managed to spill an entire cup of Dr. Pepper all over Nate's pants. And he didn't even get mad! Chase came by and waited with us too. Dr. Regehr came out after about 30 minutes, I can't really remember. He said the surgery went well and that she did great. He didn't have any trouble. He said to make an appointment to see him after 2-3 weeks. She was in recovery and they would call when she was awake and one of us could go back. It was probably another 30 minutes later that they called for us. I went back to check on her and by the time I got to the recovery room, she was asleep again. They said she was starting to wake up and was fussy, so they called for me, but she was still pretty wiped out. She had an oxygen mask on and they commented how loud her breathing was. It was hard to tell if it really was worse than normal. They ordered a breathing treatment for her, and a nurse came and did that, she slept through all of it. I think I stood by her bed for about 20-30 minutes before she really started to wake up. Once she was awake, I held her and she was so exhausted she kept falling asleep, but as soon as I or one of the nurses started talking, she would startle and wake up. She was pretty restless. Eventually she started signing for milk, so I nursed her and I noticed that as I did, her monitor was alarming, I could see that it was alarming for a high heart rate, which I think was around 190-200, but I didn't know what anything else was on the machine. A nurse asked me if she usually had low oxygen levels when she nursed...how would I even know that? So, then I realized that one of the measurements was for her oxygen and it was at about 60%. So, they said to go ahead and keep the oxygen mask near her face (not on since she was nursing and since she was awake she wouldn't keep it on anyway). So, once I did that her levels went back up to 100% pretty quickly.
The patient next to Ashley was an ederly woman who was not recovering well from her surgery, her oxygen levels kept dropping and she kept removing her mask. She also must have been a diabetic because they kept doing finger pricks on her. Our nurse had her hands full with these 2 patients! I continued to hold Ashley and she could not get into a deep sleep, she was very restless. She ended up drinking 3 bottles of pedialyte and gulped them all down. After awhile the nurse decided to call the anesthisoligst back in so he could take a look at her. When he came, he agreed she was not doing well enough, and wanted to consult with Dr. Regehr on what the next step was. Everytime the oxygen mask was moved away from her face, it didn't take more than 30 seconds and her levels would drop into the 70's. They debated on sending her to PICU or to a room to be observed. He did say that he did not want her to go home. It was about 11:30 and I had the nurse call for Nate to come back since it was obvious we weren't going anywhere anytime soon. Nate came in and held Ashley for awhile and we tried putting her in the crib to sleep, but she still could never get comfortable.

The doctors decided to send Ashley back up to the pediatric floor (where we were earlier in the morning) and they would give us a room with an extra bed to stay in for the night. We were just getting into the room and getting settled when we had 2 visitors...
Aunt Christin and Gigi. Ashley was happy to seem them. She couldn't really decide what she wanted though, she wanted CJ, and then Gigi and then mama...and around the circle again. Her breathing was actually doing much better once we were settled in the room, we didn't have to use the oxygen for too long. We though Ashley might be hungry, she still had not had anything to eat, in over 12 hours. We gave her some Jello which she thought was pretty good.
But, she was barely awake to eat it. We decided she just needed a good nap, so mama held her (one of my favorite things!) and she eventually fell asleep and took a good 2+ hour nap.
She took it easy for the next few hours. We had lots of visitors come throughout the rest of the day and evening. Papa Bear, Gigi, Awma and Papa Rog came later in the evening. Ashley was feeling MUCH better by then. She seemed back to her normal self and had a lot more energy.
She convinced Papa Bear and Gigi to play with the car
She convinced Papa Bear to read her a book
this is only cute on one so little! |
Besides the purple car, one of Ashley's other favorite things was her balloons! Awma brought her a balloon and Hudson and Tate sent her one too. She carried them all around with her! (And they last forever...one of them is still floating after almost a full month!)
She loved all of the attention she got from her grandparents!
Look how wet her gown is! I'm not surprised though, I checked recently and she has 14 teeth! |
Ashley was doing fine by evening, it almost seemed silly to even stay overnight. But, the doctor wanted to be cautious and that was a good thing. It is never fun to stay the night in a hospital. We were not interrupted too many times by nurses, but everyone was restless.Ashley had to have the monitor on her toe all night long to continue watching her oxygen levels. This meant she was not free to move around in bed. Anytime she did move around the monitor would either fall off her toe or would lose connection and then the alarm would go off. Surprisingly, the nurses didn't even come in when the alarm was going off. Nate ended up just turning off the power to the alarm. :) And they still didn't come in to turn it back on. When the new nurse came in the morning, she turned it back on though. Nate was on a pull out chair "bed" and it was not comfortable...he was right next to the vent too. Normally he likes the room cold, but not when it is blowing right on him. We kept having to get up and mess with the temperature because it was too hot without the air on and too cold with it off, it only had the option of on or off! We were eagerly waiting for the doctor to make rounds so that we could be dismissed. She made it by around 11:00 and said we were good to go. So, we finally left the hospital at noon. It felt so good to get home!