I was so caught up in making sure I got a video of Ashley eating her birthday breakfast, I never took an actual picture of it! :( We celebrated with her birthday pancakes and scrambled eggs (made by dad). He even made the pancakes into the shape of an "A" and a number "1". After breakfast we went to church. After church, Ashley "chose" Wendy's for her birthday lunch, where she was treated to a Frosty!Yummy!
At 12 months old, you are walking! You started walking about a week or so before your birthday. At the most, you can only take a few steps, but you are certainly trying! You are full of fun, you are signing "milk" more and more, and still do "all done" when you are finished eating. You still have 8 teeth, but there is one molar that is so close to coming through, another that is swollen, and there's also one more tooth on the top right that is making its way down as well. You are busy working on those. You are wearing 12 month clothes, although there are an occasional 3-6 month outfit that will fit. Awma put you in a sleeper and it fit pretty good, and one of your birthday shirts was a 3-6 month size. I was so surprised when they actually looked okay on. There are some shirts that I have had a hard time getting over your head! You still wake up a few times each night, you nurse for only 5-10 min. and are right back to sleep. I realize it is just habit for you, but I'm not willing to push the issue right now. At your 12 month check up, you weighed 20lbs 6oz, and were 29 inches. Your head circumference was in the 99th percentile for your age! Hence the reason I have had trouble getting shirts on you!You love to eat! You eat all day long. Your favorite is toast! You get excited as soon as you see a loaf of bread. You are not so much interested in vegetables any more, you are spoiled with your fruit and carbs. :)