Lilypie Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, January 27, 2012

to catch you up...Ashley's second Christmas

The morning of Christmas Eve, we went to Gigi and Papa's house for breakfast and presents with all of Ashley's cousins. We had a yummy breakfast and then opened presents. Ashley skipped her morning nap because she knew this present thing would be pretty fun.
Ash and her Papa Bear

little did she know...there was a puppy in there! Not for her though...for Aunt Annie

This was one of Ashley's favorite presents...a snow sled. She sat in there for the longest.

eventually someone gave her a ride and pulled her all around the house.
Ashley did take her afternoon nap and it was a good thing because we had a full evening planned at Mimi's with all of my cousin's and aunt and uncles and siblings too. We went to Mimi's and celebrated Coop's birthday with a Chili Supper. We only exchanged gifts with the little kids and it was a mad house. It seemed like it was a race to open all of the presents. As soon as they opened one, they were ready for the next. Ashley opened a few of her presents, but I think Nate and I opened quite a few when she was off playing. I was "Santa" this year so I was in charge of handing out the presents. There was a lot of pressure because they all kept saying "I need another one." CJ came and helped me out and then I think I eventually abandoned her. :)   

 Ashley had a runny nose all day on Christmas Eve, so I wasn't sure how she would be feeling on Christmas Day. She woke up with a runny nose still and fell asleep for a nap shortly before it was time to go to church. We decided to let her sleep. She took a good nap and then we headed back to Gigi and Papa's for Christmas lunch and playtime with Hudson and Tate. (Callista and Carver went out of town to see Annie's family). Ashley had fun playing even though you could tell she really wasn't feeling great.
I've only done 2 years, but I am going to attempt to take a picture of Ashley and I each year in front of our Christmas tree. Here is the picture from this year...

 And last year's picture...

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