Lilypie Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, January 27, 2012

to catch you up...we went to Illuminations


We went and visited Illuminations at Botanica Gardens with our friends Mike and Ariya and their daughter Sophie. We didn't realize how cold it was going to be and weren't quite prepared. I didn't bring gloves for Ashley (or myself)! But, thankfully I had a fleece blanket in the car, so that kept Ashley pretty warm. She loved riding in the stroller and was all smiles. She kept pulling her hands out of the blanket and clapping and smiling. Not sure how many of the lights she actually saw, but she had fun! The exhibit was pretty cool. I enjoyed seeing all of the lights especially the ones that are timed to music. The new kids exhibit at Botanica looks like it is pretty fun. It was dark the entire time we were there, so I think that is something we might add to our Spring/Summer to do list.

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