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Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, January 27, 2012

to catch you up...Ashley's second Thanksgiving

Ashley was only 5 days old for Thanksgiving last year. I can't believe she has already turned one and is so big now. For Thanksgiving this year we spent time with Nate's side of the family. Uncle Luke and Aunt Allison were in town. Ashley LOVED being with them. They took over babysitting a couple of mornings while they were home and mom had to work. Ashley loved Luke, she would point which direction she wanted to go and he would walk her all around the house. He also would swing her back and forth in his arms and she thought that was pretty fun too.
Thanksgiving day we went to Papa Rog and Awma's house and spent most of the day hanging out. We had a delicious lunch with family and a few friends. Mike, Ariya, and Sophie joined us for lunch. Ashley and Sophie had fun playing together. Ashley went down for a nap while Nate, me, Luke, Allison, and John all went to go search the woods for the deer that John had shot earlier that morning. We didn't have any luck because a very rude guy yelled at us and told us to get off of his land. He also had a dog with him to chase us off. After Ashley woke up from her nap, the group went on a walk and then ate MORE food. It was fun to spend time with Nate's siblings, only one of them lives here now, so we don't see the others nearly enough. After Thanksgiving Luke and Allison left and went to spend some time in Florida before they headed for the Dominica for the next year. We don't have plans to see Uncle Luke for a whole year!!! It makes me so sad for Ashley not to get to know such a fun aunt and uncle. We hope to see Allison in May!

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