Lilypie Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, December 20, 2010

1 month old

Today you are one month old. The month went way too quickly.  We've loved every minute of it, even the ones when you won't stop crying or the ones where you spit up all over us. You have been a good baby and really pretty easy. You like sleeping in our bed (and mom likes it too). During the night, you wake up about every two and a half to three hours to eat. About 3 nights ago, you slept for 5 hours straight during the night, that was awesome, but certainly a fluke. You have had some 4 hour stretches here and there though. Mom doesn't mind, it's just extra time to get to hold you! You do like to be held, your favorite way is to be upright against someone's shoulder. I think that's because you have a lot of gas and that feels best on your tummy. :) When we do hold you like that, you do a great job at holding your head up, you are really working hard at that. You love to have your hands up by your face and you've been like that since birth. Every time we swaddled you, you always wiggled your hands free. When you sleep you like to hold your hands up by your face too. You like to listen to daddy's voice, you always open your eyes really wide and watch him when he is holding you. We love your big beautiful blue eyes. We are constantly guessing what color they will be. You are a noisy breather/eater. It's nice at times because we can easily tell if you are awake or asleep without looking just based on the way you are breathing. You are now in size 1 diapers, and out of the newborn size. You can even fit into some 3 month sleepers (but you still have room to grow). 2 weeks ago you weighed 8lbs 11oz, my guess is that by now you are around 10lbs! We are so blessed to have you in our family, and are excited to celebrate your first christmas this week!

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