Lilypie Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, December 12, 2010

First Church Sunday

 Ashley is 3 weeks old and we finally made it to church. She did very well! Although, I knew she would be noisy, so we did have to step outside so that she wouldn't distract others. If she's in her car seat and it is on the floor, you couldn't really hear her. Of course we wanted to hold her, so when we got her out you could tell immediately she was too loud and a distraction to the people around us. So, dad held her outside for awhile and then we switched. It's a little weird (but fun) to be part of the mommy group who sits in the gathering area with their babies!
Cousin Callista was at church today. She was very happy to see Baby Ashley. And Callista had baby with her, they had matching dresses. It was adorable!

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