Lilypie Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Second week at home

Monday morning we went to the doctor to have her billirubin levels checked once again. They had decreased from the Thanksgiving test, so Dr said to stop using the light and see what happens after 24 hours. So, went and tested again on Tuesday, still another decrease, but not quite enough, so we went back again on Wednesday for what we hoped would be the last test. It came back at a 13.2, so Dr said we could return the light. No complaints here. We also had her weighed on Tuesday and she was at 8lbs. She gained 14 oz in 6 days. Way to go! Other than going to the doctor for the first three days of the week, we didn't have too many outings. We did stop by daddy's work after the Dr on Monday and met his coworkers. The best part of the week was Friday. Daddy took the afternoon off from work and we put up our Christmas tree!

Ashley's First Christmas Stocking made by Aunt Wilma

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