Nate found out he did not have to travel to Topeka on Friday, someone else covered the work for him. I had everything wrapped up at work on Friday, November 19, it was a long day and I had been feeling a little odd all day. I didn't feel like I was having contractions necassirly, or if I was, they weren't all that strong. I was feeling a little achy and maybe crampy would be a good way to describe it. I left work around 3 and had a big smile on my face, knowing that I would be spending the next couple of months with my little one! I went up to the hospital to see Cassie, Jamie, and Tate. Although, I didn't actually get to see Tate ( I was still battling a cold and didn't want to bring any germs in with me). I visited with them for awhile and Nate and I made plans to see a movie (of my choice) at the Warren Old Town. I headed home around 5 and then Nate and I went to the 6:30 show, Morning Glory. All through the movie I was feeling uncomfortable. I was beginning to have some stronger pains and told myself this could be the beginning of labor. I told myself to enjoy the movie, but I still watched the clock and timed the contractions, I only had about 6 during the whole movie. We went home and at 9:00 I was thinking the contractions were a lot more regular, so we started timing them, they were anywhere from 3-5 minutes apart lasting around 30 seconds. We decided to try and get some rest, ( ha ha ) and went to bed. I could somewhat rest inbetween the contractions, but what is 3-5 minutes going to do. Nate had the watch and paper and he was keeping track so it wasn't like he was resting either. By 11:30, we were thinking this had to be it, but my water had not broke, so we knew there was a chance we could be sent home if we went to the hospital now. But, we went anyway. We got checked in and finally at 1:30 they checked and I was at a 4, that was good progress. They let me labor for an hour (it was a fast hour- I did throw up my dinner and felt like I had to pee every 10 minutes) and checked again, still only at 4, maybe 4 and half. They decided to go ahead and admit us since it appeard I was in labor. We moved to the labor and delivery room. I was ready for a change and to attempt to manage the pain in some other ways. Nate and I had already discussed our plan and we did not want to do an epidural. I got in the jacuzzi tub and stayed for about and hour, while in there my water broke, this was about 3:30 am. They checked me again and I was at a 5. I was glad things were moving along. They had a birthing ball so I sat on it and sat in the bed for the next few hours as things progressed. They called Dr. Douthit about 4:30 and let him know I was in labor. It was encouraging to know that I was far enough along to notify him. He showed up about 7 AM and I was at an 8. I felt like I had been at an 8 for awhile and I was really feeling the urge to push. Thankfully Dr let me begin to push a little. Keep in mind neither Nate or I had slept the entire night. Nate stayed by my side the ENTIRE time, he did go to the bathroom twice and he was missed while he was gone. He held my hand through every single contraction and fed me ice in between every single contraction! He is amazing and although I told him in the beginning that I couldn't do it, he stayed strong and encouraged me the whole way through.
By 8:00 am, we were ready to push, We pushed and pushed and pushed. Dr. had another patient in labor so he stepped in and out and by 10:00 he stayed in our room, which I knew meant we were getting close! He geared up around 10:30, and I could not have been more relieved! Ashley was born at 10:56AM on Saturday, November 20, 2010. She weighed 7lbs, 8oz and was 17 3/4 inches long.
I dont' know exactly what I expected this whole experience to be like, but I loved it. It is truly a miracle. God designed birth in a perfect way and it was a special time for Nate and I. We feel so blessed to have this sweet little girl in our family. We also feel blessed with a no complication delivery. The Lord designed this delivery perfectly for us, He gave me strength to go without an epidural, He scheduled our doctor to be on call for that weekend, and He provided us with a great nursing staff.
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