Lilypie Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, January 20, 2011

2 months old

Today you are 2 months old. What a precious gift you are to daddy and I. We are amazed by you each day and our love for you grows every day. At the doctor today you weighed 10lbs 10oz. We forgot to get your length measurement, so mommy and daddy did it at home and estimate you are at about 22.5 inches. That's 2 inches in 2 weeks, we're prob. off a little. You gained 8.5 oz in 2 weeks. You are smiling more and more each day and every smile is so rewarding. You are starting to be more vocal and "talk" to us more. You like to be sitting upright against our shoulder and look out the windows.  We recently had our first snowfall of the winter and although you probably couldn't see it falling, we still looked out the window to watch, it was beautiful. You are amazed by window blinds and light fixtures and you've started to notice the ceiling fan, especially when it is moving. Your neck is getting stronger and stronger which helps you look around and find new items to look at.You are sleeping for 4-5 hours at a time during the night. Mommy loves to wake up and feed you during the night, only one time is a blessing compared to the 4-5 times we were getting up before. We have tried to give you a couple of bottles, and so far you haven't been too interested, but not turned away. Each time you have had about an ounce or two. Today though, you drank 3 and half ounces at one time! Good job! You like bath time and rarely cry during a bath, although I think you are still trying to figure exactly what we are doing! Your eyes are still blue right now, the consensus is that they are going to stay blue, but they could still surprise us, and they could even change the shade of blue, we will wait and see. We love you Ashley Grace.

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