Lilypie Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, January 14, 2011


We left Ashley with a babysitter for our date night. We actually had left her once before with Awma and Papa when we went to visit Mimi in the hospital and another time with Papa Bear and Gigi when we went to visit Tate in the hospital. But, we decided to go on a real date and go to dinner and a movie. So, last Saturday we left Ashley with Awma and Papa Rog and we went to Jason's Deli and to the movie True Grit. We were nervous because she had been so fussy for the previous week, so we hoped that she would be the perfect angel that we knew she could be, and she was. Awma said she was very happy and she was all snuggled in her blanket with her paci in Awma's lap when we got back. We hear that Uncle John got to change a diaper (the rule was, you want to hold her, you've got to change  her) and she also got to play dress up.
Princessa Ashley- this is her new dress Awma bought in Mexico. She just has to grow into it  :)

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