Today was the saddest day I have had since Ashley was born. It was my first (half) day back at work. I have been dreading this day for quite some time and lately every time I would think about going back I would start crying. So, all morning long I cried, I cried at the doctor's office, I cried during lunch, I cried after leaving Judy's and I cried at work. Eventually I got busy enough at work to get my mind on something else and the 3 hours went quickly- that's right I was only gone for 3 hours! It felt like 3 days! :)
We went to Dr. Newlin this morning for Ashley's 2 month check up. It went well, daddy wasn't able to come with us, so we were on our own. When we first got to the room the nurse asked how long Ashley had been congested and I told her she wasn't congested, she always breaths like that. But, she offered to test her oxygen levels, so I said sure. She tested first on her left toe and got 76, then she said "hmmm, that can't be right!" Not what I want to hear, so she tried the right toe and got 80. She said "well, that's better, but still not quite good." A few (long) minutes later the head nurse came in and tested her on her hand and got 100. Thank you! I don't know why I got worried, those tests are not that accurate when they do them on their feet anyway. Dr. Newlin said she looked good. He was glad to see she gained weight, but really would like to see a little bigger of a gain, so he wants to see her back in a couple of weeks to do a weight check. He said as long as she continues to grow at a good rate and is eating well he is fine with waiting the 3 months that Dr. Regehr suggested. He said he will keep a little closer eye on her than he would with most newborns and we will see how things go. Ashley had an incredible fussy day yesterday and I mentioned that to him, so he suggested that we could try a different medicine than the Zantac that she is currently doing and see if she does any better with that one. The Zantac has made a huge difference for her, but she still has a bit of trouble on some days, so a different one is worth the try. Ashley got her 2 month vaccinations while we were there, it was a liquid drink, and three shots. She did well, only cried while she was getting the injection and calmed down quicker than I thought, we nursed afterwards so that helped too. Next, we headed back home to get the infant Tylenol just in case she needed it after the shots. Then on to Judy's. Judy is the mother of a Trinity graduate. Her daughter graduated in 2009 with John. Her and her husband adopted a little girl who is now 2 and half and her older kids are all out of or in college. God orchestrated our child care set up completely (more on that story later). I felt bad that I had scheduled her shots for the first day for Judy to watch her, but that's how it worked out. I gave Judy some supplies and tips/tricks for Ashley and headed on to work. I just keep thinking I'm going to miss out on everything she does, but I have to remind myself she is only 2 months old. Right now, she doesn't do much of anything :)
Everyone was happy to see me back at work so that was very encouraging and there was plenty to do. Judy texted me about 2:00 and said Ashley drank an ounce from her bottle, had a poopy diaper and fell asleep. Yeah, good job Ashley! Nate stopped by work about 3:15 to check on me since every other time he talked to me that day I was crying the whole time. Before I knew it, the day was over and it was time to go. When I got back to Judy's, Ashley was sitting in her bouncy seat looking out the window! She did good, Judy said she slept for about 2 hours and then ate 3 and a half ounces from her bottle! She said she gobbled the whole thing up, and had milk all over her face, and didn't even stop to burp! I was so relieved because I wasn't sure how she would do, but I guess she decided since mom wasn't around and hadn't been for awhile, she would go ahead and eat without me. :)
We stopped off at Nana's and saw Nana, Traci, and cowboy Garret. We had to pick up supplies for a surprise for Ashley that I am working on.
When we got home, Nate had cooked dinner! That was the best part of my day! Coming home after work and a stressful/long day and having my awesome husband in the kitchen cooking dinner for me. He is a blessing!
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