Lilypie Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

3 months old

Photo and video editing at

You are 3 months old and each month gets better and better. You are quick to smile and think it's really funny when daddy tickles your tummy. You enjoy looking at books and are fascinated with each page. You've discovered your hands! You keep looking at them and locking your fingers together trying to figure out what exactly you can do with those things. It won't be too long before you start picking up toys and playing with them. You've gone to Judy's for 3 weeks now and it has been great. You like to help her cook and to play with Addie. She has you on a good schedule and you've been a good napper for her too. You've been doing great with your bottles, drinking about 3 oz at each feeding. You do miss mommy though and when I come to pick you up, you are usually ready to eat a little something. I think it's just for comfort, that or mommy just likes to feed you for comfort!  :) Your hair is getting longer on top and still looks like it will be brown. Your eyes are still blue! We think you will be a brown hair blue eyed girl! You weigh 12lbs .5oz and are 23.5 inches long. You are growing very quickly in length, that's close to 6 inches in 3 months.You are still sleeping for about 4-5 hours a night, but you always just eat and go right back to sleep. Bath time is pretty fun, and it will only get better. We bring our rubber ducky to bath time, but so far you haven't played with him. We are excited for the warmer weather to come so we can play outside more. We have gone outside a few times in the last week and it's been wonderful. We went on a walk today. You smiled and laughed the whole time. You like it outside, but when the wind hits you, you always take a big breath like it scared you. We love learning something new about you each day!
Excuse me Mr. Giraffe, could you please scoot over...

ummm...wrong way
so BIG- 3 months old

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