Lilypie Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, February 24, 2011

An apple a day...

...keeps the doctor away. Although Ashley hasn't technically had any apples, she is keeping the doctor away. We went in on Wednesday this week for a weight check and she gained 15.5 oz! That's her biggest gain and it is more on track to an average weight gain for a 2 week period. The dr. was very pleased with this increase and said we could wait a full month before her next check. YES! So that means no trip to consult a surgeon right now. YES! He also said we could return the apnea monitor since we haven't had any worrisome alarms since we've had it. YES! He said Ashley is now in the 41st percentile in weight and the 52nd in length. YES! He recommended increasing her acid reflux medicine to 2 doses each day to try and help with some of the spit up she has been having lately. She threw up on Saturday about an hour and a half after getting her medicine and the vomit was purple?!?! It was a little scary seeing that color come out, I could not think of anything that would have made this happen. Then on Monday she spit up after eating and it also was purple, the only thing we could come up with was it had to be the medicine because it was always after her dosage that we saw this. But, the medicine is clear not purple. The nurse recommended mixing the medicine in with her milk to see if that settled better, after we did this the remaining milk in the bottle turned purple. So, that answered where the purple was coming from. Now we will see if 2 doses help ease her tummy.  We are so grateful for a good report and the BIG weight gain, now we just have to keep it up!

While we were there dr. mentioned he thought Ashley's soft spot was on the large side, so he ordered some blood work to check her thyroid. Ashley is a pro at blood work, with all of the billirubin tests she had, she knows just what to do. But, the nurse threw her for a loop on this one, all of her other tests had been a heel prick, for this one she got a finger prick. The poor thing turned bright red immediately and screamed the whole time. She had to fill 2 vials too, so it seemed like it took forever to fill them up. But, it's done and we are over it, hoping not to do that again! The doctor's office called today and said all of her bloodwork came back normal and there was no concern on her soft spot at this point. YES! God is Good!

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