Lilypie Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, February 4, 2011


My first day back at work was Monday. I thought we would be on  a pretty good morning schedule to get this going. Ashley typically would wake up between 1 and 2 am and then again between 4 and 5 am. She would always eat and then go right back to sleep. Usually she would wake up again around 7 or 7:30 and would eat a bit more and then would be awake and ready to play and talk and smile...she is very fun in the mornings!
Well, she decided to change things up. Sunday night she fell asleep around 9 p,m and did not wake up until 4 am! That's 7 hours straight certainly her longest stretch yet. After eating at 4, she went back to sleep and then was beginning to stir at 7:45, I went ahead and woke her up because we had to leave by 8 and I wanted to make sure she had a full tummy when we got Judy's. So, her "new" schedule was okay, just surprised me. I certainly did not sleep 7 hours straight. By 3:00, I was awake about every hour checking on her and beginning to wonder if I should pump because I was getting very full!
It was a fluke though, because the next 3 nights she went back to her previous schedule. Last night she fell asleep around 9:45 pm and is still sleeping as I type this at 5:40 am. So, she is setting another record, I've been up for about the last hour and finally decided I couldn't sleep unless I went to pump. So, now I figure she has to be up again soon and what better time to update her blog than first thing in the morning! We'll see if she begins to continue her 7-8 hour stretches, I suppose I'm ready for the full night's rest, but I do miss holding her, and since I'm at work all day, I feel like my holding time has decreased by a million!

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