Lilypie Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, February 6, 2011

First week at Judy's (and at work)

This first week could not have been easier, God knew just what I needed to get through the week, that was more time with Ashley. Monday went okay, it was easier than I thought it would be to leave her, I didn't even cry. I dropped her off and was at work by 9, I worked until about 12:30, went and picked up Nate and we both went to Judy's to visit our little one. She did well in the morning, she helped Judy make some peanut butter kiss cookies and drank a little from her bottle. I went ahead and fed her while I was there and then she fell asleep so I put her down. I was back to work at 2:00. Judy called at 3:45 and said the afternoon did not go as well, she woke up about 15 min. after I put her down. She'd been crying and Judy did everything she could think of and couldn't get her calmed down. I had forgot to give Ashley her reflux medicine that morning so I thought she could just be in pain since she didn't have her medicine. I worked for about 5 more minutes and decided to leave and go get her (I was supposed to be done at 4 anyway). By the time I got to Judy's she had Ashley on her tummy laying across her legs (which is usually a comfy position for her) and she had settled down and wasn't crying. So, I left and we hoped for a better day on Tuesday. It was a better day, but in a different way. We had a big snow storm come through and school was canceled Tuesday! Yay! A much needed snow day for me to stay home and spend time with Ashley. We loved it, we baked a crumb cake, got out some toys, did tummy time, took naps and cuddled up with our blankets. Then, even better we had another snow day on Wednesday! The wind chill has been negative 20 something so it is just too cold to even go outside. We enjoyed another day all snuggled up and warm at home together. The only thing missing was daddy, he doesn't get snow days! Thursday went pretty good for both of us. I'm not really sure how to adjust back into work, it's been different. Ashley did well with Judy...once again I forgot to give her her medicine...oops! So, I prayed she would still have a good day. And she did She took 2 naps and ate a couple of times. She only ate 2 ounces each time, so 4 ounces in the span of 8 hours is not a ton. We have to make sure she's eating good to keep gaining weight. Judy thinks she found the right bottle/nipple combination so hopefully that will make things easy for Ashley to take the bottle. I picked Ashley up at 4 and nursed her. Then we went out to my friend Jessica's to help her with birthday invitations. Ashley cried for about 80% of the time we were there. :( At least she didn't cry like that for Judy. And Jessica, I promise she is a sweet baby, she just gets an upset tummy sometimes!  :)
On Friday I dropped Ashley off and they were going to go shopping at Kohl's (starting her shopping habits early). :)  So I left them our stroller and headed off to work. I wasn't sure what Ashley's day would be like since she had slept for so long, but she did well. I didn't go see her at lunch, instead I went to a lunch at Nate's office (and everyone kept asking where Ashley was), it's no fun to be anywhere without her. After finishing an uneventful day at work, I picked Ashley up and heard about her day. She did really well again. Very little fussy times and took good naps, and ate a ton!  I guess missing some of her night feedings (from her 9 straight hours of sleep!!!!!) made her hungry during the day. She ate 3 oz in the morning and then around 1 ate 4 oz. She fell asleep for a bit and then woke up at 2:30 and ate 3 more oz. That's 10 oz in the 7 hours she was there. Much different from the day before. I think she's getting bigger every day! Each time I go to pick her up I think she looks different!
Ashley with her friends at Judy's.

Little Jack and Baby Ashley

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