Lilypie Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, May 1, 2011

First Easter

Ashley had a great time at her first Easter.
On Saturday we went to Awma and Papa's and had an easter egg hunt with cousin Claira.

I made Ashley's Easter basket. It was really fun. It took some time, but wasn't very complicated and I think it turned out very cute. Hopefully next year she will carry it around and fill it with eggs herself! Although she did pretty good this year collecting eggs with mom and dad's help. She got $70 in her eggs! We decided to share it with those less fortunate (Uncle John- he only got $20).
On Sunday we went to church and celebrated Christ being raised from the dead. For lunch we went to Mimi's with all of our family. There were lots of people, food, and lots of pictures to be taken....
Chase, Callista, Annie and Carver

Val, Gail, Kim, and John Wadsworth
Cassie, Tate, Jamie, and Hudson

Tyler, Nana Wilma, Garret, Steve, Isaac, Lissa, Justin, Traci
Look at that smile!

Cassandra, Tate, Jamie, Hudson, Papa Bear, Cj, Gigi, Callista, Daddy, Mommy, Ashley, Carver, Annie....Chase was on call and had to go in to work

John, Lizzi, Jake, Mommy, Ashley, Daddy, Awma, Papa Rog, Pete, Claira, Cailtin

My little easter bunny!

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