Lilypie Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, May 28, 2011

6 months

You are 6 months old. Sometimes I think I can see you getting bigger every day. You certainly are doing new things constantly. You love to play with your toys. Everything goes straight to the mouth and this has been productive for you, because you now have 2 teeth. Neither one is all the way in, but they have both come completely through the gums. I love seeing those with every smile. You smile a lot and at anyone really. Recently you gave started sucking on your top lip, and make a smacking noise, it's pretty cute. Your hair is getting thicker and longer, and it's staying dark too. The bald spot on the back of your head is getting smaller. The little rat tail you had at birth is gone now. Daddy is glad about that, he kept wanting to cut it off, I wouldn't let him. You have rolled over a few times from tummy to back and back to tummy. But, it takes you awhile before you get there. You are getting better at sitting up on your own. You fall over quickly, but each time we try you do better and better. When you are sitting in someone's lap, you are reaching for anything in, papers, the keyboard...whatever you can get your hands on you'll take it! You weigh 15lbs 12.5oz and are 26 inches long. Your head circumference is 17.5. You've grown a lot in the last 2 months. You have started eating baby food, so far we've only tried sweet potatoes, and you seem to like them. You can hold your own bottle now and you like your milk to be very warm. You want nothing to do with it if it's cold. I think you get that preference from me. I am very picky about the temperature of my food. Your daddy on the other hand, could care less and eats chili straight out of the fridge!You've been sleeping a little better, there were a few nights recently that you went to bed at 7:30 and only woke up around midnight and then again at 6. Even after you eat at 6 you go back to sleep for awhile. The other nights you wake up about every 4 hours to eat. You are in size 3 diaper. Judy convinced me that you needed to be in a size 3. I had you in a size 2 because that was for 12-18lbs. But, every day you were leaking out of the size 2 diapers and getting your clothes very messy! So, Judy started putting you in Addie's size 5 diapers and didn't have any trouble. So, that convinced me we should move up a size and we haven't had near as many accidents! Your 3-6 month sleepers are all too short, and you have finally got to start wearing all of your 6 month summer clothes! You are too cute!
she loves paper

no, I don't let her eat it!

and then she gets mad

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