Lilypie Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Mother's Day Gift

When Nate ordered my mother's day gift he said it would take 2-3 weeks to arrive. So, end of last week was 3 weeks. He left work about an hour early on Friday which he told me after the fact that their FedEx driver doesn't come until 4:30. So, I was disappointed that I didn't get my gift (which I knew was a ring, but didn't know which one) before the long weekend. This morning I kept bugging Nate to check on the status. He tracked the package and said it showed for delivery today! Yes! Finally! I was running errands after I left work and Ashley was getting hungry. I thought what better place to feed her than Nate's office and  then I can (conveniently) be there when the FedEx delivery guy comes. So, I was waiting feeding Ashley in Nate's office looking out the window and saw the FedEx driver at the building across the street. Then I lost track of him and he didn't show up. Finally I saw him leave the front desk, so we went and asked the receptionist if there was a box for Nate and she said no, nothing had come! I was quite disappointed!
But, imagine my surprise when I sat down at the table for dinner and noticed Ashley was holding something!

The card says "Thanks for staying up all night to feed me... Love Ashley and Dad"
He totally tricked me. Truth was the FedEx driver showed up first thing this morning!

He did a great job, not only with surprising me with the delivery of the ring, but also with which ring he picked.

The center stone is Topaz, Ashley's birthstone

I love it! Now it's time to use my mother's day gift card from my mom for my manicure!

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