Lilypie Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Happy Birthday Hudson

Cousin Hudson turned 3 and Aunt Cassie threw a big birthday party for him. It was called a Par-3 and was all about golf. It was at St. Hudson's and there was a driving range and a 4 hole mini golf course complete with a pinwheel hole, a gator hole with sand traps, a swinging log hole and a water hole. There was a hole in one bean bag game, a "Caddie's Corner" for a break and a snack. At the clubhouse there was lemonade and sandwiches, and lots of other food too. There was an awesome golf cake with golf (cake) balls on it. And a golf cart to give you a ride back to your car after the par3 was over. We had lots of fun!
mommy helped make the cake
Hudson had his very own cake!

Aunt CJ and cousin Callista

taking a break

Ashley and her new hat Gigi gave her for Easter
Golfer Isaac

gettin' a ride
Daddy and Ashley

Hudson and Papa
Here's what the big kids do at a 3 year old's birthday party

1 comment:

  1. SOOO cute! Happy Birthday Hudson! And, LOVE that hat. So cute. :)
