Lilypie Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, May 7, 2011


On Wednesday, daddy, Ashley and I took a mini road trip over to Norwich KS after work. Daddy needed to pick up some queen honey bees for one of his beehives and we decided to tag along. We went to Rowan's Honey Shop and they have a huge selection of honey products. They had lip balm, wrinkle cream, lotion, soaps (including Honey Goats Milk Soap...I know someone who might try and make this someday  :), they also had Honey jams, creamed honey, honey caramel sauce, honey fudge sauce, honey pecan syrup, honey bbq sauce, honey granola, and that's just what I can remember, there was lots of other things too. Nate has 7 bee hives. They could potentially make a lot of honey, we'll see if we get as adventurous as the Rowan's...they're making a living off of it! After we stopped at the honey shop, we went down to a little cafe and had dinner. Nate was holding Ashley while we ate and she had starting reaching for everything, so of course she was reaching for his food, and so he thought she needed some. So, Ashley got her first taste of food with some mashed potatoes. She barely got any in her mouth, and the little that did came back out when she decided she wasn't so sure what to do with it. We are excited to start baby food in the next month or so!

1 comment:

  1. Honey goat milk soap is actually at the top of my list to try!!! :)
